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Kvas Peach Crusta

Kvas Peach Crusta

  • 3/4 oz. Kvas Ginger Wildflower Simple Syrup 
  • 3/4 oz. Peach Schnapps 
  • 3/4 oz. Vodka 
  • 3/4 oz. Lemon Juice 
  • Garnish: Fresh Grated Cinnamon 

Add all ingredients to a shaker or mason jar filled with ice. Feel free to multiply the recipe for as many guests as you have at your dinner table (this is where a large jar comes in handy). Shake until chilled and strain into a jug or pitcher to make it easier to pour the cocktail into the narrow top of the flute. 

Add one ice cube to each flute, and strain in cocktail. Take a fine-grader (like the one you use for Parmesan cheese) and grate a cinnamon stick over top of the cocktail. 

Closeup of Kvas Peach Crusta cocktail made with Closeup of Kvas Peach Crusta cocktail next to bottle of Kvas Ginger Wildflower Simple Syrup

Making the Crusta

Rub the outer inch of champagne flute with the open half of a slice of lemon. Shake 1/2-cup white sugar out on a plate and roll the "orange-rubbed" part of the champagne flute in the sugar so that the sugar sticks to the glass. 


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