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The Bench 75

Bench 75

  • 1 oz. Kvas Lavender Jasmine Simple Syrup 
  • 4 oz. Chilled Sparkling Wine or Champagne (if you're feeling really fancy)
  • 1 oz. Gin (Optional) 

Simply add all ingredients to a champagne flute and you're off to the races. Add crushed ice or frozen blueberries to chill even more if your heart desires! 

Tip: Multiply recipe in a punch bowl with frozen blueberries for a punch worthy of the queen herself!


Closeup of The Bench 75 cocktail and bottle of Kvas Lavender Jasmine Simple Syrup
Closeup of The Bench 75 cocktail and bottle of Kvas Lavender Jasmine Simple Syrup

This cocktail has a triple meaning! 

1) Bench is Zac's moms maiden name. 

2) Shout out to Beamsville Bench

3) Shout out to Peter Benchley who wrote Jaws (which released in, wait for it....1975!)

Closeup of The Bench 75 cocktail and bottle of Kvas Lavender Jasmine Simple Syrup


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